RMB, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited, represents the Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) activities of the FirstRand group one of the largest financial services groups in Africa. The group follows a multi-branding strategy and its portfolio of businesses also includes South Africa’s leading commercial and retail bank, FNB.
At RMB we offer our clients innovative, value-added advisory, funding, trading, corporate banking and principal investing solutions. We are passionate about solving problems for our clients by challenging the norm and seeking solutions beyond the obvious. We are innovative in our thinking and turn challenges into opportunities, while delivering on Traditional values. Innovative ideas.
As a leading CIB franchise across the broader Africa region, RMB has a deal footprint in over 35 countries in Africa, as well as presence in the UK, USA, India and China.

The counterparty for transactions with US clients will be FirstRand Bank Limited acting through any of its branches or subsidiaries, including FirstRand Bank Limited (London Branch).
FirstRand Bank Limited (London Branch), registered in England and Wales (Branch Reg. No. BR010027), is a branch of FirstRand Bank Limited. FirstRand Bank Limited is duly licensed and regulated by the Prudential Authority of the South African Reserve Bank. FirstRand Bank Limited’s London Branch is also, subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority in the UK. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request. Please visit www.firstrand.co.za for more information.
Listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and the Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX), FirstRand Limited is one of the largest financial institutions in Africa by market capitalization. In addition to South Africa, the group operates in 12 key African markets, the UK and India.
The group’s track record of delivering superior returns to shareholders has been achieved through a combination of organic growth, acquisitions, innovation and the creation of completely new businesses.
Differentiated by its owner-manager culture, FirstRand executes its strategy through a portfolio of leading financial services businesses comprising FNB, RMB WesBank, Ashburton Investments, Aldermore and FCC. It provides a universal set of transactional, lending, investment and insurance products and services.
For more, please visit the FirstRand investor center.